Why are you experiencing erectile function changes?
It's important to start with WHY.
Why are you experiencing erectile dysfunction?
Once we understand the system, then we can talk about the principles of recovery, and the positive actions you can take.
This is particularly important if the following questions are on your mind:
"I'm young, I've had nerve sparing surgery, and the surgeon said I would 'bounce right back', so why is nothing happening 12 months down the line?"
"I've had non-nerve sparing surgery, does not mean I shouldn't even bother with rehabilitation? Will I ever get an erection again?"
Below are two interviews with Professor Declan Murphy addressing these questions.
Professor Murphy is a Robotic Prostatectomy surgeon. He has performed over 2000 Radical Prostatectomies:
Nerve-Sparing Surgery Interview
Non-Nerve-Sparing Surgery Interview
You might have gone through another kind of treatment for Prostate Cancer.
Here are some resources for other treatments (and the next emails about erection rehabilitation will still apply to you):
Androgen (Hormone) Deprivation Therapy
Note: If you have a pressing question, check out out Rehabilitation FAQ section here.
MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: This email series is for informational purposes only, this is not intended to substitute diagnosis, treatment or advice from your medical professionals.